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Heleneie Beanie Says ... x
Why do simple and natural means of preventing pain and defying disease remain such an enigma?! x
At the root of most chronic disease lie common threads of poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles and stress. We can revamp our nutritional and lifestyle choices to prevent, treat, and even cure chronic disease. As bizarre as it may sound, seven out of the 10 major causes of death can be prevented by nutritional means. x
Chronic disease need not be our destiny! x x
It's our day to day choices that shape our lives and the power is ours to choose! Vibrant health and self-healing are the body's natural design. x
Won't you join this conversation?! x x
Helping to Build a Better World x
Pay it Forward - Why?x
.Sow seeds of happiness and joy
Spark connection. x
It's good for your health.x
It's good for our health.x
It feels good.x
It's mutually beneficial.x
It's a contagious wave of deliciousness.x
Be the change you seek in this world.x
Less them and more us. More for everyone to go around!x
Inspire, Empower - Create Change
...Become a part of the conversation
Give to get more
Less "them", more us
In Israel Nurit says ... x
The book ("Heleneie Beanie and the 16 Wayz to Navigate Your Health") is delightful and engaging. It has all the elements that people need in order to shift core attitudes and begin to transform their way of life. It is straightforward, concise, humorous and beautifully illustrated. Helene's insights register on multiple sensory channels:visual, auditory, right and left brain, emotional and analytical. The introduction is touching, moving and powerful. Her clarion call for healthy change is nothing less than mesmerizing. And the book is written in a professional and impressive manner. ~ Nurit Nitzan, Clinical Psychologist x x
In Australia Hadieya says ... x
תזונה היא עוצמה • التغذية قوة • Nutrition is power
Davka Akshav! x
Now is the time to spread the love ... x
Pay it Forward
Join me! Become an integral part of a fresh, social initiative. Listen, watch, read, share... Share the message. Share the book. We are healthier together; pay it forward today. x
Davka Akshav! x
Now is the time to spread the love ... x
Davka Akshavx
Davka is a word which is deeply ingrained into the Israeli cultural fabric. "I know that it is a cold, rainy and windy day but "davka akshav", "davka" at this moment I am going to sunbathe on the beach. Against all logic perhaps, but I am going to do things differently. x
Why now? x
Challenging times are upon us. Won't you allow me to bring a voice of hope into the conversation? I'm Heleneie Beanie and I have a dream. I have a passion. I would like to empower and inspire to create change. We all have the power within us to join this conversation. x
It's so much more than the book! x x
I would like to pay it forward. Health, happiness and connection: I would like to pay these forward. The more we laugh, the more joy that is in our lives, the more connected we feel, the healthier we will be. They go hand in hand. Won't you take my hand? Won't you join me and pay this forward? Become a voice of reason. I dare you, I dare you. Will you allow me to say this? Yes, yes we can! It's simple. It's really quite simple. Won't you join me? x
The power is ours! Join us, together we are more. x x