I married a mechanic. He fixed things before most people noticed that they needed fixing: loved machinery especially old, forgotten and broken-down challenges. Taking machines apart to discover how they worked was a warm passion of his. He was always up for a challenge. To be honest, it was probably the meager “kibbutznik” budget which set the stage this hobby. A “once upon a time” “kibbutznik”, he drove tractors from a tender age. A hefty portion of his free time was spent on the back of renovated Vespas, Lambrettas and the likes (scooters) with his mischievous classmates racing along the forest trails of the infamous JNF amusement park (nah, but they definitely made it theirs) behind the kibbutz. While in the army he diligently saved every lira so that he could purchase and renovate an old BSA motorcycle.
Over the years the motorcycle was discarded. Children came next. The new pastime became off road jeep trips. Hubby loved being a part of the rich Israeli backdrop. He was in his element there amidst the other families and jeeps: a youngster on his lap clasping the wheel (shush…!), camping, good food and a bonfire with oh so vocal narratives…
Although I enjoyed our trips together, I could not help but feel annoyed to be on the wrong side of the windshield…
We passed so many trails and ways to explore the countryside on the right side out! At first I kept my thoughts to myself until it became too painful to hold them in. We found a way to bring a bike along on our trips. The best part of our jeep trips were when I was outside of the jeep trailing behind on my makeshift mountain bike (a citybike with wider and sturdier tires).
In time, I was able to persuade him to get on a bike and we were able to bike as a family.
We especially loved heading down to the Dead Sea for the Har Sdom Races and bike together on the family route. While he enjoyed the family adventure and the pristine scenery, he suffered from the very hard tailed bikes and the unbreathable helmet. It was always a challenge to get him back on a bike.
My partner was never enthusiastic with regards to physical activity. Looking back, I might have called him a couch potato but for the fact that he was never one to sit hours on end in front of the boob tube.
For many years I mountain biked on a makeshift ride. Hubby surprised me for our twenty fifth anniversary with a brand new full suspension dream ride.
My excitement was Intense! Whoops, strike that; Giant it was indeed! My darling, however, set himself up for a deep fall…
It wasn’t but a week before he bought himself a similar steed so that we could ride together.
There are moments in which a seemingly innocent decision is life changing. This was one of those moments.
In the beginning when we rode I would be far ahead. I would ride forward and circle back until he caught up. He would be fatigued, deeply flushed and grasping for air. My guy was out of shape, to say the least …
At the end of a vacation abroad, he returned while I stayed on for an extended visit with family. He was determined to get into shape and justify his heavy investment. Day after day he rode his bike in a major effort to conquer the hill and recover his breath. Two weeks later, when I returned, I came face to face with the sparks of change.
What began as a stubborn effort to shape up ended in a passionate love for a “primitive” motor-less two wheeler…
Today my honey climbs the walls when an obstacle comes between him and his ride. His two wheeled love changed him to the core. Obviously his health report card’s grades are up, way up. He is in top form and if he appears flushed it’s just because he has been out with his bike in the sun for too long. More importantly, he is a changed man: more relaxed, open and simply
H a p p y ! ! !
It is a pleasure to be in his midst…
This would be an excellent opportunity to give gratitude to the man who has been at my side through thick and thin for more than thirty five years. I always thought that I was the flexible one in this partnership…
Thank you my love for all of your acrobatic gymnastic twists, turns and flips that you happily perform with style, grace and love while you edit my unique style of Heblish (Hebrew-English).
I do not take this for granted. Thank you!
May I reacquaint you with the magic of physical activity?
♦ Releases “feel good” endorphins.
♦ Reduces pain.
♦ Reduces anxiety.
♦ Dramatically improves physical report card on all levels.
♦ Increases muscle mass and bone density.
♦ Invigorating!
♦ Always leaves you wanting more!
Find and embrace the movement which moves you.
Never stop dancing through life!
Kitchen Cues…
Couch Potato (Inspired by Hasselback Potato)
Wash potatoes well (no need to peel).
The potatoes can be precooked in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Place a potato on a large metal or wooden spoon and slice until the knife reaches the spoon (about 7/8ths of the way through).
Wash the sliced potatoes well while making an effort to wash between the slices. Rinsing the starchy residue away will allow the “fan” to open wide.
Brush the potatoes with coconut oil. Make an effort to brush inside the cuts.
Sprinkle coarse salt and fresh rosemary on top of the potatoes.
Bake at 180-200 degrees Celsius.
The couch potatoes will open up like a fan when they are ready.