Freefalling, down down down: at one time or another we have all woken in a cold sweat from that nightmare. As we leave childhood behind, however, it is less the pain and the loss which we dread, but rather the loss of control at the bottom of the abyss. I’ve ridden some of the scarier amusement park rides but I have never even come close to a freeform dance with gravity. Nope, much as the idea of “spacedancing” allures me, I don’t think that you are going to be reading here about my skydiving adventures anytime soon…
Of course, the classic clifftop dive is terrifying, and rightly so, but what about the fear of totally letting go?
Have you ever been engulfed by a throbbing tapestry of pure joy? Each deep breath delivering a steady pulse of “feel good” vibes? A radiant and tingling “blanky” to snuggle with?
Is not orgasm a freefall of sorts? Have you ever touched orgasmic bliss without the sex?
Happy days have become my invariable bedmate, bliss my good mate. I recently celebrated my blog’s first anniversary. I made a pact with myself that I would not recycle posts before that one year mark was up. That milestone has come and gone and yet still I hesitate. I am not ready to reuse my words.
This past week various projects demanded my attentions. For the first time I was able to see my complete animated movie: complete, not completed. Editing, credits, in-memoriam slides, music and sound effects are still on the “to do list”. Its length may be little more than one minute, but the gestation period has been intense and oh so long. I cannot begin to express the depth of my gratitude and joy nor the intensity of my hunger to finally greet my “baby”.
I am also hard at work creating an eBook: Heleneie BeaNiE's 16 Ways To Empower Your Health .I had precious little time for this week's blog. I wondered if this would be the week that I would finally give in and choose to recycle my words…
The Gift of Nature
Nature is a gift. Be physical to invigorate; it’s a great opportunity to rejuvenate and rejoice. Be spiritual to discover euphoric ecstasy. I do love “playing dirty” outside. Saturdays are perfect days for play dates with nature and the gang. Even though I found myself without my partner in play, the game was on.
Freefalling leaves, we don’t see much of that around here in the land of milk and honey. Nope, the scant and bland collection of fallen leaves is certainly nothing to write about. It is, however, a magnificent time for us mountain bikers, a conciliation prize of sorts for making it through the scorching summer’s heat. A conciliation prize?! Absolutely not! Each season offers its own magical charms. The crisp cool clear fall mornings greet the Israeli mountain biker with moist trails, the once loose and dry soil now packed and firm. Each rider has a turbo charger in her shorts and a foolish grin plastered from cheek to cheek.
So what do I post? I was unable to find the perfect solution for this dilemma prior to my Saturday morning ride.
The outdoor activity once again worked like a charm. I came up with a compromise. I would weave a tapestry from some of my previous blogs. I would not be merely copying but copying and pasting to create a new weave. It seemed to me to be a great tool to ignite an original “recreation” of sorts. Of course, it was also a great way to make up the absence of my Hebrew Editor in Chief ….
It matters little that in the end there was no collage but a tool to let my creative powers wander…
You too must discover the magical wonders of the working body in all its glorious breathless and sweaty splendor. Now would be an opportune moment for a "time out" to discover the powerful force of the abundant creativity and bliss awaiting just around the bend.
I found myself pondering why is it that we say enjoy and not injoy? It appears that the Greek preposition en or ἐν means in. I have designed a new spelling for this word: InJ♥Y. Here is a signpost hot off the editing board: InJ♥Y!
I would like to thank you for your patience in reading this post to its end.
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Finally I would like to request that you please share my post which precedes the release of my animated clip (soon, I promise). I am so excited! Please share this post…
Thank you and have a great week!