Yesterday I came home from a short visit abroad. While traveling the depth and breadth of North America, I could not help but be impressed by the enormous sizes: the spaces, trees, mountains, people and plate portions. Does “Super Size Me” ring a bell?
The combination of the super sized landscapes and the unveiling of my mother’s headstone provided the inspiration for this week’s post…
When I Am Big
When I am big
I will reach up
Arms rooted beyond
On tippy toes
Dreaming, seeking
To be more
When I am big
I will reach out
Arms towards you
Touching love
Connecting a synaptic web
To be with you
When I am big
I will reach deep
Arms extended
Looking in
Looking out
To be whole
When I am big
I will be brave
On the edge of fear
Cuddling anticipation
Fearing not the break of day
Wrinkled adventures for me
More mountain biking PentictonSome were just tall! Chris, my pen pal peer coachSuper sized bagels
By the way, I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grow up … I want to be a helicopter pilot! I flew up in a helicopter for the first time and it was such a rush! In a word: a m a z i n g! ! !
♥♥♥ !YES ♥♥♥
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Hila Gozani
9 years ago
Paula In Hebrew the expression is more equivalent to "when I am big". I always begin writing in Hebrew as it is much easier for me to translate from Hebrew to English and not the other way around (although it is generally a loose translation, working with natural plays on words, expressions, etc.). I realize that in English the expression is usually "when I grow up" but only used that phrase in the last stanza. As my English is a little rusty, if you say that it doesn't work as I've written it I could change it. I welcome comments… Read more »
Hila Gozani
9 years ago
Yes we could be kindred spirits, although I do not see myself skydiving anytime soon… Do you actually have your pilot's licence? It would be cool if we could go up in the air together…
You definitely have got my attention in regards to the biking. I can't imagine any mountain biking in Minnesota. Are there any hills? Hubbie is on business frequently in your area. Perhaps I will join him sometime and come to visit. None the less cool that we were able to meet up in Santa Monica/Venice!
9 years ago
Should have read: when I grow up!
Can you adjust that post ?
Tango? Go for it. We did ballroom dancing for a number of years. Love it!
9 years ago
Up I want to be more like you Helene!
Come to think of it I already am. Took my first flight lesson when I was 40. I went skydiving when I was 50. Just did my first white water kayaking at 61.
Still on my bucket list, I want to learn how to Tango.
You know how I love my new bicycle too. Next time make sure you stop by and see me in Minnesota! Cool you could meet up with Chris?
Paula In Hebrew the expression is more equivalent to "when I am big". I always begin writing in Hebrew as it is much easier for me to translate from Hebrew to English and not the other way around (although it is generally a loose translation, working with natural plays on words, expressions, etc.). I realize that in English the expression is usually "when I grow up" but only used that phrase in the last stanza. As my English is a little rusty, if you say that it doesn't work as I've written it I could change it. I welcome comments… Read more »
Yes we could be kindred spirits, although I do not see myself skydiving anytime soon… Do you actually have your pilot's licence? It would be cool if we could go up in the air together…
You definitely have got my attention in regards to the biking. I can't imagine any mountain biking in Minnesota. Are there any hills? Hubbie is on business frequently in your area. Perhaps I will join him sometime and come to visit. None the less cool that we were able to meet up in Santa Monica/Venice!
Should have read: when I grow up!
Can you adjust that post ?
Tango? Go for it. We did ballroom dancing for a number of years. Love it!
Up I want to be more like you Helene!
Come to think of it I already am. Took my first flight lesson when I was 40. I went skydiving when I was 50. Just did my first white water kayaking at 61.
Still on my bucket list, I want to learn how to Tango.
You know how I love my new bicycle too. Next time make sure you stop by and see me in Minnesota! Cool you could meet up with Chris?