I was a Dancer


I was a dancer long before I learned my first step.

My dance went something like this:

One two three,
One two three,
Four, five, six,
Seven, eight, ninety nine,
How many more loads are there for me?

Slow, slow, quick, quick,
Not so slow, quicker, quick,
More fosters more,
I hide, but they seek,
Too heavy a burden, sic!

I was the ant hard at work, always in between hauls. I was the mother bird racing to bring home the worms. I was the chimpanzee swinging from task to task. I was the ostrich with my head in the sand.

It may be very romantic to be a super being, superman, wonder woman, supermom, superdad…, but it is not very good for our health.

If we cannot find balance within the everyday stressors of life, the oppressors will surely follow. These could take shape in many a form: sickness, depression, obesity, … Most likely there will be many clues of what is to come along the way.

Will we be astute enough to listen, steer clear and find our balance?

The Power is Ours!

I met the lovely Ella at the Bellevue Art Fair. Her art is created with three simple tools: black paper, scissors and a glue pen. She graciously allowed me to photograph this dancer for my blog. I took a photo of her details as well and when I came home I was surprised to find poetry between the lines. I am posting that photo below and have copied out some of her beautiful words. Enjoy!

"We don't notice happiness unless we pause, look, step back, and admire it."

"We lead such busy hectic lives we often don't take the time to appreciate the little things that are truly important… the simple moments. Sometimes days pass and weeks pass without us seeing little pleasures of dear faces or unknown passer by. Simple memories of gone times."

Ella Richards

Vicci was mesmerized and had to take this home…


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9 years ago

Beautiful sweetheart!
Very proud of you…

Hila Gozani
Hila Gozani
9 years ago
Reply to  Ruthie

I learned from the best!