It is impossible to know in advance which events will become significant milestones in our lives. Any encounter, emotion, object or date on the calendar has the potential to be life changing.
Of course you might decide to take control of your destiny; make a conscientious decision to create a new habit. After all, everybody knows that it is possible to create a new one in just 21 days.
But is that so?
Welcome to the Information Age! Today it is all too easy to distort facts and spread half-truths. Many years ago, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon, realized that it took at least 21 days for his patients to get used to their “new” self-image. The words "at least" vanished somewhere between the lines, online, forever lost.
According to a recent study in London, an average of 66 days is needed to create a new habit. The earliest adapter was able to form a new habit after only 18 days. The latest adapter, however, took a whopping 254 days to form a new habit!
So forget the 21 day myth…
I can’t for the life of me recall who recommended that I read “The China Study” but it certainly became a catalyst for change on my journey to me.
The China Study describes a comprehensive epidemiological study conducted in China in cooperation with American and Chinese scientists. The study focused on the relationship between nutrition and chronic disease, specifically animal products (protein) and chronic disease. This book rocked my world. For the first time I became painfully aware of the relationship between our eating habits and chronic disease. The power of choice at the end of our fork became crystal clear: vote daily for or against your health. An absentee ballot to be tallied daily and your good(?) fortune to be delivered back to you some time in the future past…
In his book, Colin Campbell presented real life examples over and over again which shook me to the core. The link between the consumption of animal products and chronic disease became increasingly clear. It was thought provoking and prompted me to make changes in my life. Passages of his books “The China Study” and “Whole” are forever embedded in my mind:
Whether they may be in Israel, Europe or the United States, seven out of ten of all the leading causes of death each year are from chronic disease. This list includes heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many others “done in” by the “good life”.
With the aid of just one independent variable, the percentage of dietary animal protein, scientists were able to completely turn on and turn off cancer in laboratory mice. The sick were completely cured and then made to fall ill again. The all or nothing results were so startling and characteristically “unscientific” that the team had to repeat the experiment time and time again.
Many graphs displayed the consumption of milk by country alongside rates of cancer or osteoporotic bone fractures. I was flabbergasted and dismayed by my milk pushing psyche…
I found myself sifting through yet more and more data, all culminating in a similar conclusion. I certainly did not feel like I was being pressured in one way or another to come to any foreseen conclusion. I was left completely to my own devices.
I was sucked into a story, by no means fictional:
Life as a flurry of chronic disease...
I grew up Jewish in the midst of a devout Christian community. I am no stranger to proselytization. Not for one moment did I feel as if I was being preached at but rather given data and left to my devices to draw my own conclusions.
I especially liked the analytical tools which the author presented to the reader: to facilitate, formulate and judge the data by self.
How effective is a health intervention?
Remember these three words: Rapidity • Breadth • Depth
Rapidity: How quickly is change felt?
Breadth: How many biomarkers does the intervention affect? Does it affect a broad range of symptoms and illnesses?
Depth: Is the change powerful and far-reaching or barely noticeable?
I fell asleep listening to the recording "Whole". Awoken from a dream, for once traces remained in my consciousness. Like all dreams, the dream was strange: full of remnants from the past, present and future; people and places found not as I was accustomed to seeing them.
One thing I can remember clearly. I can relay in vivid detail what was on the table when Colin Campbell came to dinner, WFPB: delicious delectable and delightful Whole Food Plant Based Nourishment♥
Do you have any idea what the connection between the elephants and this post is? Please comment below 🙂
T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, The China Study, BenBella Books, 2006
T.Colin Campbell, PhD with Howard Jacobson, PhD, Whole, BenBella Books, 2013
Ruthie, I know that you would thoroughly enjoy reading Colin Campbell's thought provoking "The China Study" and "Whole": good reading for one of your regular transpacific flights!
Very interesting?