Once upon a time there lived a couple in love…
Not a penny to their names there was, but that would not stand in their way. They were both highly successful and ahead of their time in their respective fields of choice. He was handsome, warm, joyful, ambitious and talented. She was gorgeous, passionate, smart and on her way up and out. They had four beautiful children and The American Dream was theirs for the taking. They began migrating west in a continual effort to climb yet another step up.
Somewhere along the way the dream shattered. The man and the woman parted ways. What was once happiness and abundance was replaced by longing and sickness: a fairy tale beginning, yes, but no happily ever after.
I lost my father to severe arteriosclerotic heart disease at the young age of 54 my mother to Parkinson’s.
Chronic disease is but a product of the choices we make…
Bad lifestyle choices manifest themselves as chronic disease. These choices include poor nutrition, overeating, sedentary living and, of course, chronic stress. In short: too much junk and not enough nourishment.
Unlike acute disease, chronic disease sticks around for the long haul. Chronic disease occupies a stubborn and lengthy timeline. Chronic, from the root “chron” or the Greek word “chronos”, means time. According to Greek mythology, Chronos (Kronos) was known as the destructive God of Time who was able to use the past to devour the future. Such “thrives” chronic disease: our choices of past devouring the future or at least its quality.
Modern medicine excels at emergency medicine. The medical staff at the ER will quickly and efficiently weed through the crowded waiting room tackling the broken bones, appendicitis, heart attack, burn victim, car crash survivor, terror attack casualties and more. Chronic disease, however, is but a colossal chronic headache.
Prolific costs and chronic disease are bedmates: patient costs are high and productivity plummets. Treatment focuses on symptom management rather than disease management. A vicious circle emerges: chronic illness, lost productivity, symptom management, more chronic illness… As little, if any, attention is given to the root of the problem, the poor lifestyle choices persist and chronic disease continues in its debilitating path.
A vicious circle full of black magic it is, not a sparkle of pixie dust to be found.
This circle came all too close to me and I will have no part of it! I’ve tasted the incredible magic of the secret world of plants and discovered our powerful cosmic bodies and will.
Today I unveil my new website: a fine home for my blog. Won’t you come on over? Surf it: explore, discover and enjoy! Hoping to excite and ignite: I dare you to grab on to your own personal magic wand.
Say no to chronic disease; choose to thrive!
Your comments and suggestions are welcome…