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Meditation Meditation, mindfulness, and minimalism: all tools I have discovered of late. I vividly recall my first awkward attempts at meditation. Forget about emptying the mind; my thoughts quickly grew to prolific proportions, incessant flashing neon lights on my horizon. “How the heck am I supposed to sit still for

Anthony Robbins Would Have Been Proud The beach is my “go-to” place. Nothing quite compares to trekking barefoot in the white sands by the sea.From the warm caress of the sun to the waves’ melodies, the beach never fails to inspire and uplift me. This morning, as a part of

Frazzled, “starey eyed”, mindless fools are we. Life’s a gift; yet, seldom are we truly present to savor its flavors. Our senses are dulled and anesthetized, estranged ancestral memories of a distant past. Admittedly, my eyes are glued to the screen, thoughts bounce back and forth between tomorrow and yesterday,

When I Grow Up… I never wanted to be a firewoman, can’t remember growing up with a burning desire to put out fires… Elusive memories dance within the deepest crevices of my mind. Sure, there was always something which stirred my desire, a shiny object calling to me, but I

Holidays, a time for festivities, celebrations and happy memories are they not? Peach, Passover, The Festival of Freedom evokes mixed feelings for me... My parents grew up in New York City stifled between extended family and a close knit community. They chose to seek their freedom elsewhere and fled west.

Meet Sara… Sara is meticulous about what she eats. She starts every morning with a “green” shake filled with every nourishing fruit and vegetable that she can find. Throughout her day she makes sure to eat only nutritious foods. She steers clear of all processed foods, white carbs and sugar

Saw it Liked it Clicked and shared Again and again Laughed alone Applause applause Had to “shoutout” A “double barreled” horray Sheds tears No one there to comfort Gropes for the mouse Must acknowledge this Glued to the seat Eyes bore home Wants to go But has to stay

In all honesty, I do not know how I would write this blog without the generous help of my husband. Believe me when I say that it goes far and beyond his job title of Hebrew editor in chief… Hail to the court jester of Banter and Chuckles! His healthy

If I had a penny for every thought that ever passed through my head, I’d be a multibillionaire… Twenty four seven my mind is bombarded with thoughts of home, family and work. What should I write for my next blog? What shall I prepare for dinner? If I don’t step