Soul Prints ♫‎


The Soundtrack of My Life I love surprises! I know, I tell you this far too often. You’ve probably guessed by now: all that I’m searching for is some love and attention. The plain truth of the matter is that we all are. What a little bit of love and attention

Dmai Hanuka


‎“Dmai Hanuka” in Hebrew is traditionally known as Hanuka gelt ‎‎(money) or chocolate coins. In Hebrew “dmai” also may refer to dues. ‎ Sweet Stuff A few years back we vacationed with my brother and his family. While ‎exploring the funky town of Hood River, Oregon, my brother came ‎back



By definition a bulldozer is a powerhouse of strength and can ‎obliterate any obstacle in its path. Although the “fortunate” ‎agile souls will avoid injury, casualties are to be expected. ‎The primary victim, however, will always be the poor ‎unfortunate sole who believed that his shield of armor ‎would protect

Out Of The Blue


We are creatures of comfort. It is the familiar to which we cuddle up to, tight ‎within its cloak of warmth, solace is found. Such is the security that our daily ‎activities provide. So cozy and intimate are we with our rituals and routines ‎that we are often reluctant to