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Holidays, a time for festivities, celebrations and happy memories are they not? Peach, Passover, The Festival of Freedom evokes mixed feelings for me... My parents grew up in New York City stifled between extended family and a close knit community. They chose to seek their freedom elsewhere and fled west.

On the wall these words were boldly splattered: “After 3 years… Boten (Peanut) has been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just like that, against all odds, our daughter’s dog magically reappeared. Three long years, without so much as a sign of life from her, came to a joyous end. There are moments which are

The Power is Ours! At a theatre near you… Mazal Tov, it’s celebration time! Could it be that every death is followed by another birth? Shortly after my father passed away, I began my “book of letters” project. All of the letters (remember those days?) that my father and I

A Daughter’s Longing Dear Dad, You left abruptly. Although you made every effort to let us know that your time was limited, I chose to let your words pass over me. Your doctors warned of severe arteriosclerotic heart disease with an exceptionally enlarged heart. A prompt heart transplant was your

Meet Sara… Sara is meticulous about what she eats. She starts every morning with a “green” shake filled with every nourishing fruit and vegetable that she can find. Throughout her day she makes sure to eat only nutritious foods. She steers clear of all processed foods, white carbs and sugar

On the wings of creativity I soar Joy as my partner, I purr with contentment. Pleased as I am with my artistry, I seek out praise and support of those close to me. A year has passed. Today is the unveiling ceremony at my mother's gravesite. Once again I find

Once upon a time there lived a couple in love… Not a penny to their names there was, but that would not stand in their way. They were both highly successful and ahead of their time in their respective fields of choice. He was handsome, warm, joyful, ambitious and talented.