Win Win


Microbe Party, a “playshop” (1) bringing together two diverse groups of people (2) at a location which invokes beauty and inspiration (3) to explore and discover portals leading to self-discovery and movement towards positive change. Seeking to ignite change by converting separation into connection, chronic sickness into vibrant health and despair into joy one block at a time.

A Juicy Life


Meditation Meditation, mindfulness, and minimalism: all tools I have discovered of late. I vividly recall my first awkward attempts at meditation. Forget about emptying the mind; my thoughts quickly grew to prolific proportions, incessant flashing neon lights on my horizon. “How the heck am I supposed to sit still for

Going Commando


Anthony Robbins Would Have Been Proud The beach is my “go-to” place. Nothing quite compares to trekking barefoot in the white sands by the sea.From the warm caress of the sun to the waves’ melodies, the beach never fails to inspire and uplift me. This morning, as a part of



Sexy – Not What You Thought Conjure up sexy? Fast switchover to dreams of Keanu Reeves, solid hugs, mischievous smiles, nape nibbles, butterfly whispers, barefoot sands, sole strokes, succulent smoothies and nearby nourishment for the mind, body and soul. That’s exactly where my neighbor “V” spotted me, at the entrance

Chasing Miracles


No Thank You Please! My family doesn’t like miracles. Far too often, miracles are the aftermath of catastrophic misfortune. Oddly, this bias hasn’t blinded me to calamity’s silver lining. I’ve noticed that out of the deepest depths, change sprouts its finest roots. Extraordinary paths emerge leading to otherwise unimaginable happy



Frazzled, “starey eyed”, mindless fools are we. Life’s a gift; yet, seldom are we truly present to savor its flavors. Our senses are dulled and anesthetized, estranged ancestral memories of a distant past. Admittedly, my eyes are glued to the screen, thoughts bounce back and forth between tomorrow and yesterday,

Lofty Peaks


When I Grow Up… I never wanted to be a firewoman, can’t remember growing up with a burning desire to put out fires… Elusive memories dance within the deepest crevices of my mind. Sure, there was always something which stirred my desire, a shiny object calling to me, but I



On Hope and Despair It was a peculiar week indeed. Imprisoned on a teeter totter, I found myself flying up and diving down, distraught and ecstatic, down and up, up and down, somewhere between hope and despair. It’s not an easy task translating my posts into English. There are many

Lucky Woman


My own path to healing was a bumpy one, marked by despair, pain, and, yes, terror. I was clueless ‎as to the ‎identity of the surely ‎deadly disease nesting within. I did not know where to turn.‎‏ ‏Much ‎as my choices were ‎often impulsive and even misguided; ultimately these very

‎13 Moons‎


The Power is Ours! At a theatre near you…‎ Mazal Tov, it’s celebration time!‎ Could it be that every death is followed by another birth? Shortly after my father passed away, I ‎began my “book of letters” project. All of the letters (remember those days?) that my father and I

Dmai Hanuka


‎“Dmai Hanuka” in Hebrew is traditionally known as Hanuka gelt ‎‎(money) or chocolate coins. In Hebrew “dmai” also may refer to dues. ‎ Sweet Stuff A few years back we vacationed with my brother and his family. While ‎exploring the funky town of Hood River, Oregon, my brother came ‎back



Doctor’s Orders Never was I given an ultimatum to go under the knife. The surgeon proposed cervical fusion ‎to relieve pressure on my spinal cord. He hinted that surgical intervention may indeed break ‎the blanket of pain and curtail my anguish. But then again, he heartily declared that there ‎was

I Have a Dream


Breaking the Mold We are different you and I; no mold is the same. Although we are packaged in different shapes ‎and sizes and colored many assorted shades of beauty, we are also very similar you and I. Deep ‎within our beings we sprout dreams. We each sport our own

YoU Turn


There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. ‎Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I ‎think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don't ‎like because you think it will

Wee Warriors ‎


Into this world we make our entrance unencumbered and free with a ‎healthy measure of curiosity and a natural sense of adventure.‎ A young girl, much like all children, is hard at play, running, skipping, ‎jumping and dancing. Precious glee is woven into every moment as ‎she adventures to explore

An Affair With Hair


Thirty four years of marriage. What does that say about me? That I am ‎old?!‎ Admittedly my memory is patchy but occasionally clear images ‎surface. I recall my mother’s thirtieth birthday (or it may have been ‎her fortieth…). ‎‎‎Etched in my memory are my mother’s ‎disappointment, dread and depression: the